Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Its a new year, everyone was happy to see 2009 go. Last year I worked my butt off and thought that being tired all the time was just something I had to suffer because of the schedule I kept. Until I came across an interview in the The Telegraph called the Knowledge featuring a doctor from New York called
Frank Lipman. He founded the Eleven Eleven Wellness Center in Manhattan and authored a book called Spent! which helps busy adults feel good through diet and lifestyle. Evaluations with Dr. Lipman are a little out of my budget, so I decided to implement some of his free advice online.

First suggestion...
Drinking a smoothie each morning for breakfast. He has many recipe suggestions here.

My old routine...
Hit snooze 5 times, quick shower, throw on clothes, dab of makeup, run out door and grabcoffee and pastry on way to work. Eat at desk while doing emails.

My new routine...
Still hitting the snooze but before leaving the house I blend 1 cup frozen blueberries, greens powder, coconut water and protein powder together and drink it down. Takes about the same amount of time that stopping at the coffee shop would.

The initial cost of all the smoothie ingredients was about $90 at Whole Foods in Union Square but I know I am saving money by giving up the $5 - $7 quick fix breakfast I was having at local coffee shops.

I find myself getting hungrier earlier in the day but I am drinking less coffee than before and am I not craving sweets at all. The best part is I have a huge amount of energy and my mood has improved. And the better energy and mood begins from first thing in the morning and lasts until after I get home from work. It is really quite remarkable how this one change has impacted the way I feel each day. I have had no trouble keeping up this suggestion.

Second Suggestion...
The SpentMD website recommends 2 types of exercise: Restorative exercises and Core Exercises. The restorative exercises emphasise exertion and rest, helping us to de-stress and build and heal tissues. The core exercises keep the body in alignment.

My old routine....
Fit in some sort of exercise once a week usually in the form of gym or dance class.

My new routine....
Bikram yoga every other day. I don't have a lot of time so I chose an activity that I thought fulfilled both ends, Bikram Yoga. Bikram Yoga is a series of 26 postures that pair Asansas the energetic poses with Savasana, the rest posture. Many of the Asanas focus on bending and strengthing each part of the spine so it could be considered a core exercise as well.

Many of the teachers have said that the real benefit of the work we are doing in the class is experienced when we lie in Savasana. All I know is that the rest periods make it so I can do a 1.5 hour extreme yoga class in 105 F temperatures. I wouldn't be able to exert myself in that way if it weren't for the rest! So I am getting a lot more exercise out of my body thanks to the integrated rests. Also I never have to pump myself up to go into Bikram, the fact that I do spend have the class lying on my back in rest means that I look forward to going to Bikram each night. Danielle at Bikram Yoga Union Square is a fantastic teacher by the way.

I am feeling good so far for 2009 will try to add a few more of Dr. Lipman's suggestions! The listening to reggae part, not a problem.

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